Training is Key to A Successful Harmony EnhancedMC Trial

November 01, 2016
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Languages: English

DragonWave’s newly released, industry-leading Harmony EnhancedMC addresses a number of carrier problems with its 2+ Gbps capacities, unparalleled system gain, and ultra-high spectral efficiency.  Harmony EnhancedMC also has a number of features to simplify installation, including an embedded GUI and industry standard RJ45 connectors.  However, to ensure a successful and smooth deployment that fully leverages all of the unique Harmony EnhancedMC capabilities, installation crew training is something to be considered.

DragonWave offers courses at DragonWave facilities, or at customers’ locations, to ensure installation crews obtain the expertise to successfully install the EnhancedMC radio.  DragonWave offers a 2-day installer training course, as well as a 3-day advanced course targeted on network operations and troubleshooting.  Both Harmony EnhancedMC courses include hands-on experience with the equipment.  Participants are tested at the conclusion of the installer training with the opportunity to earn a Harmony EnhancedMC Installer Certification.

The Harmony EnhancedMC training is designed to address the unique aspects of the Harmony EnhancedMC system.  Some of the key elements that are covered include dual carrier operation, Bandwidth Accelerator configuration, and the use of the ultra-high power system gain.  The training courses explore the unique cabling concepts and supported configuration of the Harmony EnhancedMC radio, and  also covers full operation of the CLI, SNMP, and the very intuitive GUI.

The Harmony EnhancedMC brings many unique values to network operators.  However, to ensure a successful installation and long-term operation of the radio, it is critical that installers and operators are properly trained on the radio prior to deployment.   With a wide range of existing courses to meet operators’ needs, DragonWave can also customize courses for network environments. What’s more, courses can also be tailored to cover multiple products, including the company’s NetViewer management system. To schedule a course, or find out when the next course near you is being offered, please visit our DragonWave Certified Training page or drop us an email at